How do I obtain agency ID?

After you complete the appointment process, you can get your agency ID by reaching out to [email protected].

How can I confirm if user exists in Cowbell and what their agency ID is?

There is a separate endpoint that accepts email address of the user and return agency ID: https://developers.cowbellcyber.ai/reference/getaccountidfromuseremailqueryparam.

If a user does not exist, the endpoint will return corresponding response.

Where can a user go to request access to their agency?

Please have the user reach out to [email protected].

How soon can I call the Get Quote details endpoint?

Before calling the Get Quote details endpoint, we recommend introducing a fixed 200ms delay after the initial POST call to create a quote.

What happens if the account already exists in the Cowbell platform?

If an account already exists in the platform, you will receive an error alert message:


Account already exists..., Account id: UUID.

What happens if an account is hardlinked to another agency?

If an account is hardlinked in the platform, you will receive an error alert message:


Customer is already associated with some other Agency!

What happens if an account exists as a policy in the system?

If a policy exists in the system, Register Account endpoint will return:


Customer is already associated with some other Agency!

When does Cowbell perform maintenance?

Cowbell production environment has a maintenance window at 9:30 PM GMT / 10:30 PM GMT on Thursdays, and Wednesdays at 00:00 AM GMT / 00:30 AM GMT for staging environment. The maintenance window is expected to take just a few minut. Cowbell will provide 24 hours notice if maintenance window that occurs not at a regularly scheduled time. You can expect 502 bad gateway response during the maintenance period.