Error Responses Library

This page outlines most common error responses returned from the API endpoints.

Cowbell uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted).

Register Account

Use CaseHTTP Response CodeAPI Response
Agency ID is not added to the aggregator account. 403"{
""code"": 403,
""title"": ""Forbidden"",
""detail"": ""Agency with id (e22b701d-3806-4fec-89c4-bfc5ee568c06) not accessible""
Account already exists. 409"{
""code"": 409,
""title"": ""Conflict"",
""detail"": ""Account already exists with name (Patil_PONE_DA_Acc_Gorczany - Gislason)
and you have access to it. Use update account api to update details if needed. Eligible products are [P_ONE].
Account id is 8c9d3599-d2aa-4671-9fe2-5a58df8c7067""
Unknown error which needs investigation from the
dev team.
""code"": 500,
""title"": ""Internal Server Error""
Agency with given id is not found.404"{
""code"": 404,
""title"": ""Not Found"",
""detail"": ""Agency with id (e7ec05f7-b1d9-4762-bec6-xx) not found""

Update Account

Use CaseHTTP Response CodeAPI Response
Account with given id does not exist. 404"{
""code"": 404,
""title"": ""Not Found"",
""detail"": ""Account with id (60e07364-9658-440e-95d2-4751241cce1) not found""
Agency does not have access to the account. 400"{
""code"": 400,
""title"": ""Bad Request"",
""detail"": ""Unable to update account with id: e20db3ed-0fc2-42a7-bda1-687f32155fa4 by agency id: e7ec05f7-b1d9-4762-bec6-4880833418e1""
Provided agencyID does not exist. 400"{
""code"": 404,
""title"": ""Not Found"",
""detail"": ""Agency with id (e7ec05f7-b1d9-4762-bec6-xx) not found""
Unknown technical error which needs investigation from
the dev team.
""code"": 500,
""title"": ""Internal Server Error""

Create a Quote

Use CaseHTTP Response CodeAPI Response
Agency does not have access to the account.403"{
""code"": 403,
""title"": ""FORBIDDEN"",
""detail"": ""Agency e7ec05f7-b1d9-4762-bec6-4880833418e1 does not have access to the account1""
One of the given arguments is not valid.400"{
""msg"": ""Arguments are not valid"",
""detailList"": [
""effectiveDate: must not be null""